Since puberty begins we begin to see some changes in our
body, to which we are gradually adapting, and one of those changes is precisely
the hair coming out in areas where we did not see it before, and with an
increase in its quantity and thickness.
When vacations or pool outings arrive, it is when we are
tempted to use the shaver for the first time, eliminating them all and leaving
our skin completely clean and soft, but after approximately 8 days everything
returns to the way it was before and sometimes worse. .
To make the decision to start Laser or IPL hair removal, it
is always very important to read and know well what machine we are going to do
it with, the security they provide us.
Our doctor of choice should always explain well the
mechanisms of action of laser and/or pulsed light, its contraindications,
benefits, responsibilities that I have when choosing this beauty treatment and
its care.
Some details that I want to highlight are:
1. It is a process that takes time, sessions are held
approximately every 20 to 30 days. And a minimum of 6 to 8 sessions are
required depending on the laser hair removal equipment.
2. There are several hair removal equipment: Laser Diode andIPL, you must choose the best according to your skin phototype.
3. Before each session you must shave with a razor and do
not use any other method, be it wax, eyebrow tweezers (the laser acts on the
root of the hair).
4. After the procedure you can apply ice or some soft or
restorative cream to help calm the skin.
5. You should not tan or expose the depilated area to the
sun to avoid stains or future burns.
6. You can use a personal machine at home but always taking
into account their recommendations, there are some very good ones, my favorites
1.Tria 4x Beauty.
2. Silk Flash.
3. Imene removal laser.
To finish, I tell you about my experience:
I used laser hair removal and honestly it has been the best decision I could have made, today I do control sessions from my home with the Tria Beauty Laser Removal Team, and I am more than happy. I encourage you to try it and draw your own conclusions!
Among the benefits that I received were:
1. My skin looks smoother and without folliculitis or inflammation.
2. I'm not in a hurry to shave again when summer comes and we go to the pool or the sea.
3. Save money on razors and creams.
4. My skin looks cleaner, whiter in most of the areas where I did the sessions.
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